Landscape Architecture Education History in the German-Speaking Part of Switzerland

from Dr. Sophie von Schwerin

A chapter, written by Dr. Sophie von Schwerin, in the "The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Architecture Education".


It was in the early 1970s when two polytechnic institutes of higher education started to offer landscape architecture programmes in Switzerland. The first was in the French-speaking Canton Genève the traditional Châtelaine Horticultural School that established a Horticultural Technical College in 1970. Shortly after it moved to Lullier and merged in 2008 with the Haute École du Paysage, d'Ingénierie et d'Architecture, HEPIA, in Geneva, where the degree programm is still offered today. The second landscape architecture degree programme started in 1970, when an intercantonal technical college for technically oriented degree programmes opened in the city of Rapperswil, in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.


This chapter explores the evolution of vocational training and professional education in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. It begins with the time of vocational training before the programme in Rapperswil was established and continues by explaining how that programme developed during its 50-year history. To generate relevant information, primary sources pertraining to the different stages in the degree programme at Rapperswil were collected, samples were analysed and evaluated and several docments unveiled for the first time after their filing.
The chapter fills the gap between published knowledge about education and the current system of teaching landscape architecture in Rapperswil.


Dr. Sophie von Schwerin is professor at the ILF Institute for Landscape and Open Space (OST).



Borrow the book and read the whole chapter.
Link to the book in swisscovery.



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